Feeling damn tired right now due to lack of sleep!
Woke up at 8.15am today, wow right?
It's so amazing that I could get up. Proud of myself too.
Head down to Panasonic building. Interview end around an hour later.
Well, how's the interview? I mark top on the list! :D
Will be working at Liang Court, yes Audio house.
Do not know where it's located, only know it's at clakequay.
So, I'm gonna streetdirectory it! &Need to do some homework by doing research on other brands product.
So I can wash all the products! Haha!
So I'll be working as a Part timer, not Full timer.
But it's alright, better than jobless.
Shall not put too much high hope on this job yet.
What if they did not called me like Dyson.
Man, both of the brands will be cheating my feeling la!
So disappointed. Okay okay.
If I get the job, I'll start on Friday. 7th of Aug.
Why my private O didn't send me a letter for the examination?!
Gonna give them a call. Damn.
After interview, thought of heading home for a nap.
But head to Bedok to meet Boon for lunch!
That's all, head back &have a 3hours 30minuts of sleep!
Gonna do some research! Bye!
Stomach unwell :/
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