My sister Google the situation for Blogger &manage to solve it!
But have to click some stuff. But still, hurray! Thanks fatass :D! ( Oops! what did I just mention? )
24th July '09 ( Friday )
Happy Birthday Alvin :D
I can say Alvin is a good friend! He has been helping me to look for jobs since the very first day I've ask!
He never give up at all! I owe him alot! :D
Thanks pal!
Rot at home today till the clock strikes 5.30pm. Head down to Woodland to meet Ahboon!
I'm kind enough to accompany him down to Republic Poly to see a concert!
It's sudden &shocking too! Long story man.
Before that, head down to Pizza hut to have our dinner!
Bad service man! So wanna complain the manager! Idiotic!
So, after dinner took a bus to
Republic Poly!
Is like soooooo sooooo nice! It's a nice open area place -.-
It's also one of my dream school!
But I don't think I could enter. Haha, I wanna go into arts school!
So, head up to the concert. Wow, I can say. It's really like a concert!
I've never been to one before, but this small one has already freak me up.
I hate crowds!!!!!!!!!!!
Ewwwwwww! Do not like to squeeze with people!
&It's noisy! But I'm fine with it -.-
If there's songs I like/ have heard before it will be alright.
But there's none of it I've heard before!!
&It's like, I've find a good spot for me to view then people came in front of me &block me!
So dislike being block! Hello, I'm not that tall! ( Not that short either, just nice for a girl! )
Sitting behind a railing, waiting for the group ' 53A ' to appear.
The purple lights is the concert!
Do not mind the lines, those are the railings.
Below the concert is a library!
It's so freaking big can! Oh my god la!
Wonder why the concert is being held upstairs of the library?
Won't it be noisy? The base all that?
So loving the music base!
After ' 53A ' was done, we head down &think of places to go next.
So went down to Town to look for his friends.
Was suppose to watch movie. But movie starts at 1.45am!
So, I do not want to watch it. So Ahboon accompany us not to watch too.
So the 3 of us, Jackson, Ahboon &I head for supper!
After that, cab-ed home at 1.30am! :D
Lying on my freaking bed, &I bloody couldn't fell asleep!
So went to on my Laptop &started to blog.
22th July '09 ( Wednesday )
It's Solar eclipse day!

I keep saying it to myself, I wanna watch it. I wanna watch it, I wanna watch the Solar Eclipse!
But, still didn't manage to.
First, I was sound asleep due to the rain. Which I didn't even know it's raining.
Second, it's raining.
Third, I'm sleeping.
Zzz. So people who manage to see it. Those who are in a better place view, all I can say is : Lucky you!
I'll be the lucky one soon, I'll get to see shooting stars! No link -.-
Head down to Cousin's house for some revision then head to meet B for supper!
That's all for my Wednesday!
20th July '09 ( Monday )
Darl's court!
After her court, we head down to Plaza Sing.
Wanna catch some movies, but there's isn't any time slot for us ):
So as usual, we head down to Starbucks for some coffee!
Yummy (:
Drink &waited for the time to pass.
Head down to Amk to meet Darl's boyfriend.
Chit chat for a moment &head to meet B.
That's all!
Gonna play Facebook now!
Bye all :D Goodnight!
Seems like quite a few people understands me!
I don't say sorry &do not like to be disturb when I'm blogging!
Has my bbf gone?
Am I upset? I don't know.
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