Nuffnang donation for a 4year old girl diagnosed with 4th stage neuroblastoma!
For people who do not know what's Neuroblastoma ( even I do not know ) , so I went to dictionary it.
Neuroblastoma : a malignant tumor of immature nerve cells that usually starts in the autonomic nervous system or adrenal gland and spreads quickly, most often affecting young children. ( Which is somehow a cancer )
Hello readers!
This post is about a 4year old girl name Charmaine, she's having a Neuroblastoma right now. &It's in the 4th stage.
If she's continue to seek treatment in Singapore her chances of living is 10 - 20% only.
There's a better chances, which has a 40 - 50% of living. But she has to seek her treatment at U.S. but the treatment cost at U.S. is much higher than Singapore.
She need to raise the amount up to $500,000 SGD!
For more information or donation please go to
Or you can click the side of my blog, which I just put up the ads for this donation.
The only thing you guys can do to help is to donate some money.
Even if it's only $2. Every $2 means a lot to them! There's 40,000 Nuffnanger, if everyone donate just $2 there will be $80,000 in total!
You've to think, you guys are very fortunate enough. You've at least a computer, hand phone or maybe even branded stuff, etc.. !
Yes, maybe their family have it too. But the thing is where can they find such a big amount for the treatment cost?!
Agree? Put yourself in their shoes, think..
We're lucky enough, we do not have such illness. We're healthy! She's still young, she need our help.
Let's do our part to help them (:
If I could, I would love to help every single one of them.
Please help.
She was once a happy, cute &cheerful girl..
She is innocent.

Click here to visit her blog. ( Yes, the owner of the blog has the same name as me )
With many thanks,
Jol (:
Jol (:
I do not related to them,
this is the only thing I could help them.
this is the only thing I could help them.
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