Reminder : To bring Ahma to TTSH on Monday.
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Friday, July 31, 2009
Lying on my bed, turning, tossing &rolling.
But I just can't fell asleep!
But I just can't fell asleep!
Today ( 31 July '09 )
No plans yet, might be staying at home.
& Well, Happy birthday Pauly!
Enjoy your birthday celebration uhs! Sorry couldn't make it to any of your celebration!
Enjoy your birthday celebration uhs! Sorry couldn't make it to any of your celebration!
Thursday ( 30 July '09 )
Head down to Ministry of education to collect my O level entry form.
Then head down to Suntec city! It's been quite a time since I last went there.
Bought Aunite's anne! Yummy! Haha.
Then, head down to Marina after awhile -.-
Then, head to The cathay to catch the movie ' Murderer '
This show is wonderful! The ending is like WOW?
Never thought the ending will be this way, I think no one thought it so too.
Cause hardly a movie ended this way! Haha!
Go catch it! Sorry Boon, didn't get to catch it with you.
After that, Dinner/supper is a huge huge appetite!
Had KFC delivery! Ate Zigger meal &1piece of chicken! &I'm not really full yet!!
&Home sweet home at 1am!
Text EX agent asking about the pay, they bloody hell say I can only claim 2days of pay &no commission!
What F ?! -.-
Wednesday ( 29 July '09 )
It's my Aunt's Birthday!
Happy birthday Mama :D!
Woohoo!!!! -.-
Happy birthday Mama :D!
Woohoo!!!! -.-
Woke up by my Cousin, get ready &head down to Yishun.
Bought a cake from Bakerzin &went to her house.
Yummy right! Waited for them to be back after my Cousin's graduation ceremony.
There won't be my turn, only my sister -.-
Wait &wait &wait, too tired and fell asleep on the sofa.
&Every 5minutes my phone keep ringing! Got real pissed off.
I'm a light sleeper!!!!!
&Finally they're back, head down &I didn't know I droped my phone!!!!!
Till we set off then I notice I drop my main phone, so I told them to stop the car.
Then Uncle &Cousin run like they're in a competition! -.-
Then, lucky found my phone behind a Van.
Just one/few inch away from the tire! WOOOOO! PHEW MAN!
Then head down to Vegetarian food.
Cut the cake &head down to Yishun Mrt to meet Darl.
Then cab down to Geylang to meet Ahboon &Ahbao to eat Yong He Dou Hua for supper!
So I ask them to tag along, head down and drank only a cup of beer &a few mouth of Martel + Mixer.
Cause I swing my hand, hit the bottle of Martel &land on the cup of mixer &&...
BOOM! Break the glass -.-
Today I seems so so careless la! Clumsy man!
Then at 1 plus, set off to JalanKayu for prata! 2nd Supper trip -.-
After that, head home at 3am! :D
So going to be fat..
Somethings happen, super pissed off with someone's mother.
But I shall forget about it. Wash my hands off!
Shall end this post with a family photo.
There's one more picture, this I look pretty un-glam -.-

Seriously, I dislike copycats.
Damn those people.
Goodnight peepppppps!
Damn those people.
Goodnight peepppppps!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Nuffnang donation for a 4year old girl diagnosed with 4th stage neuroblastoma!
Nuffnang donation for a 4year old girl diagnosed with 4th stage neuroblastoma!
For people who do not know what's Neuroblastoma ( even I do not know ) , so I went to dictionary it.
Neuroblastoma : a malignant tumor of immature nerve cells that usually starts in the autonomic nervous system or adrenal gland and spreads quickly, most often affecting young children. ( Which is somehow a cancer )
Hello readers!
This post is about a 4year old girl name Charmaine, she's having a Neuroblastoma right now. &It's in the 4th stage.
If she's continue to seek treatment in Singapore her chances of living is 10 - 20% only.
There's a better chances, which has a 40 - 50% of living. But she has to seek her treatment at U.S. but the treatment cost at U.S. is much higher than Singapore.
She need to raise the amount up to $500,000 SGD!
For more information or donation please go to
Or you can click the side of my blog, which I just put up the ads for this donation.
The only thing you guys can do to help is to donate some money.
Even if it's only $2. Every $2 means a lot to them! There's 40,000 Nuffnanger, if everyone donate just $2 there will be $80,000 in total!
You've to think, you guys are very fortunate enough. You've at least a computer, hand phone or maybe even branded stuff, etc.. !
Yes, maybe their family have it too. But the thing is where can they find such a big amount for the treatment cost?!
Agree? Put yourself in their shoes, think..
We're lucky enough, we do not have such illness. We're healthy! She's still young, she need our help.
Let's do our part to help them (:
If I could, I would love to help every single one of them.
Please help.
She was once a happy, cute &cheerful girl..
She is innocent.

Click here to visit her blog. ( Yes, the owner of the blog has the same name as me )
With many thanks,
Jol (:
Jol (:
I do not related to them,
this is the only thing I could help them.
this is the only thing I could help them.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
My aunt came &told us to try this Pocky! It's Banana taste!
I thought it might be disgusting, but no harm trying.
So I tried it, it's not bad! Haha, now my house there's like 15people!
&My OPI product has arrive! So happy!!!
I'm gonna repaint my nails later on! Since I won't be sleeping so early, I guess.
Which colour should I paint. PINK is totally not mine, I hate pink man!
Pink is my mother's.
On 7th of Aug '09, at 12hour 34minutes 56second.
The time &date will be : 12:34:56 07/08/09
Which is : 123456789
The time &date will be : 12:34:56 07/08/09
Which is : 123456789
Amazing right! This will never happen in your whole life again.
Only once in a life time.
This is forward by Darl (:
Feeling damn tired right now due to lack of sleep!
Woke up at 8.15am today, wow right?
It's so amazing that I could get up. Proud of myself too.
Head down to Panasonic building. Interview end around an hour later.
Well, how's the interview? I mark top on the list! :D
Will be working at Liang Court, yes Audio house.
Do not know where it's located, only know it's at clakequay.
So, I'm gonna streetdirectory it! &Need to do some homework by doing research on other brands product.
So I can wash all the products! Haha!
So I'll be working as a Part timer, not Full timer.
But it's alright, better than jobless.
Shall not put too much high hope on this job yet.
What if they did not called me like Dyson.
Man, both of the brands will be cheating my feeling la!
So disappointed. Okay okay.
If I get the job, I'll start on Friday. 7th of Aug.
Why my private O didn't send me a letter for the examination?!
Gonna give them a call. Damn.
After interview, thought of heading home for a nap.
But head to Bedok to meet Boon for lunch!
That's all, head back &have a 3hours 30minuts of sleep!
Gonna do some research! Bye!
Stomach unwell :/
Monday, July 27, 2009
Can you guess this picture is what?
Hahaha! It's my dog's nose. Just a random picture -.-
Now the weather is pretty cooling, cause it's raining!
Woohoo! Love raining days man. ( Only when I'm at home )
Today plan was cancel, so I'm rotting at home now!
Slept at close to 8am this morning &woke up at around 3pm. So not enough sleep at all!
Gonna have my dinner at home, which I don't feel like eating.
Then head down to J8 with mummy as she wanna do some shopping!
The rest of the night, shall decide again!
I'm so worried and scared for tomorrow!
I'm going for a interview tomorrow for Panasonic.
That's dumb, after screwing up the last road show with my EX agent.
Worried they might called them up, as I told a lie to Panasonic.
Hate to fill in the forms that they wants me to, so irritating.
Lol, &guess what time I've to get up tomorrow for the interview?
It's freaking early!
8.15am!!! So damn shit, I so dead.
So I'll cab down tomorrow, as I don't know where's the place is head.
That's all!
Gonna go down to meet Darl for a moment.
&I feel that my mouth is pretty accurate. Cause I say I'll work at Bestdenki, Harvey, Gain city, Courts.
&Next might be Audio house.
&Shit what I say is gonna happen!
If I get in Panasonic, I'll be at Audio house!
I feel pretty dumb, I always hide behind my Laptop whenever people walk pass my house.
Which I'm not that small size &people know I'm hiding!
Which I'm not that small size &people know I'm hiding!
Labels : Feeling scared right now!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Oh no, something is wrong with Blogger again!
I can't upload photo! I click the ' Upload Image ' for like don't know how many times but I just can't load it!
Oh man! Damn it!
Well, went out for supper with Darl at 11pm.
Then head down to somewhere &head back home after that.
So here I am! :D
Yawns, pretty tired. Might be watching movie tomorrow with Darl &co.
But there's no movie for me to watch ): Boohoo!
Meeting B tomorrow for supper too!
This week is pretty pack.
Monday - Movie with friend &Supper with B.
Tuesday - Rotting at home.
Wednesday - Head to Yishun to celebrate Aunt's birthday! In the night go club to celebrate Sen's birthday!
Thursday - Meeting B.
Friday - Maybe staying at home? ( Darl say steamboat at her house -.- ? )
Saturday - Home I guess? Not sure yet.
Sunday - Family day!
My weekends are pretty boring. Most of the time is staying at home.
I can't upload photo! I click the ' Upload Image ' for like don't know how many times but I just can't load it!
Oh man! Damn it!
Well, went out for supper with Darl at 11pm.
Then head down to somewhere &head back home after that.
So here I am! :D
Yawns, pretty tired. Might be watching movie tomorrow with Darl &co.
But there's no movie for me to watch ): Boohoo!
Meeting B tomorrow for supper too!
This week is pretty pack.
Monday - Movie with friend &Supper with B.
Tuesday - Rotting at home.
Wednesday - Head to Yishun to celebrate Aunt's birthday! In the night go club to celebrate Sen's birthday!
Thursday - Meeting B.
Friday - Maybe staying at home? ( Darl say steamboat at her house -.- ? )
Saturday - Home I guess? Not sure yet.
Sunday - Family day!
My weekends are pretty boring. Most of the time is staying at home.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
My sister Google the situation for Blogger &manage to solve it!
But have to click some stuff. But still, hurray! Thanks fatass :D! ( Oops! what did I just mention? )
24th July '09 ( Friday )
Happy Birthday Alvin :D
I can say Alvin is a good friend! He has been helping me to look for jobs since the very first day I've ask!
He never give up at all! I owe him alot! :D
Thanks pal!
Rot at home today till the clock strikes 5.30pm. Head down to Woodland to meet Ahboon!
I'm kind enough to accompany him down to Republic Poly to see a concert!
It's sudden &shocking too! Long story man.
Before that, head down to Pizza hut to have our dinner!
Bad service man! So wanna complain the manager! Idiotic!
So, after dinner took a bus to
Republic Poly!
Is like soooooo sooooo nice! It's a nice open area place -.-
It's also one of my dream school!
But I don't think I could enter. Haha, I wanna go into arts school!
So, head up to the concert. Wow, I can say. It's really like a concert!
I've never been to one before, but this small one has already freak me up.
I hate crowds!!!!!!!!!!!
Ewwwwwww! Do not like to squeeze with people!
&It's noisy! But I'm fine with it -.-
If there's songs I like/ have heard before it will be alright.
But there's none of it I've heard before!!
&It's like, I've find a good spot for me to view then people came in front of me &block me!
So dislike being block! Hello, I'm not that tall! ( Not that short either, just nice for a girl! )
Sitting behind a railing, waiting for the group ' 53A ' to appear.
The purple lights is the concert!
Do not mind the lines, those are the railings.
Below the concert is a library!
It's so freaking big can! Oh my god la!
Wonder why the concert is being held upstairs of the library?
Won't it be noisy? The base all that?
So loving the music base!
After ' 53A ' was done, we head down &think of places to go next.
So went down to Town to look for his friends.
Was suppose to watch movie. But movie starts at 1.45am!
So, I do not want to watch it. So Ahboon accompany us not to watch too.
So the 3 of us, Jackson, Ahboon &I head for supper!
After that, cab-ed home at 1.30am! :D
Lying on my freaking bed, &I bloody couldn't fell asleep!
So went to on my Laptop &started to blog.
22th July '09 ( Wednesday )
It's Solar eclipse day!

I keep saying it to myself, I wanna watch it. I wanna watch it, I wanna watch the Solar Eclipse!
But, still didn't manage to.
First, I was sound asleep due to the rain. Which I didn't even know it's raining.
Second, it's raining.
Third, I'm sleeping.
Zzz. So people who manage to see it. Those who are in a better place view, all I can say is : Lucky you!
I'll be the lucky one soon, I'll get to see shooting stars! No link -.-
Head down to Cousin's house for some revision then head to meet B for supper!
That's all for my Wednesday!
20th July '09 ( Monday )
Darl's court!
After her court, we head down to Plaza Sing.
Wanna catch some movies, but there's isn't any time slot for us ):
So as usual, we head down to Starbucks for some coffee!
Yummy (:
Drink &waited for the time to pass.
Head down to Amk to meet Darl's boyfriend.
Chit chat for a moment &head to meet B.
That's all!
Gonna play Facebook now!
Bye all :D Goodnight!
Seems like quite a few people understands me!
I don't say sorry &do not like to be disturb when I'm blogging!
Has my bbf gone?
Am I upset? I don't know.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
There's a problem in blogger!
How can I even type in blogger?! Damn.
There's Solar Eclipse tomorrow ( 22 July '09 )!
In the morning at 8am - 930am, if I'm not wrong.
But the best is if you're in China! Cause it will be in total darkness! ( That's what my Sister says )
It's Wednesday tomorrow! But I won't be meeting B tomorrow ):
&On Monday ( 20 July '09 ) head down to Darl's court, glad nothing happen.
Just some probation &court was postpone.
Nothing much, bye.
Blogger blogger, please don't have so much problem ):
There's Solar Eclipse tomorrow ( 22 July '09 )!
In the morning at 8am - 930am, if I'm not wrong.
But the best is if you're in China! Cause it will be in total darkness! ( That's what my Sister says )
It's Wednesday tomorrow! But I won't be meeting B tomorrow ):
&On Monday ( 20 July '09 ) head down to Darl's court, glad nothing happen.
Just some probation &court was postpone.
Nothing much, bye.
Blogger blogger, please don't have so much problem ):
Sunday, July 19, 2009
WeeeeeEEEEEeeeee, I spend my Sunday afternoon at home sleeping.
&My cousin's girlfriend gave me a website on OPI Nail polish!
&It's bloody hell cheap! Normally you'll get it at a price of $22 each on the shop.
This time on the web, you'll get at the price of $11 each only!!!
Half the price man!!!
Usual price is $12 now having promotion $11 each.

Url :
There's not only OPI nail polish, there's others too :D
See, I'm kind enough to share it to my readers!
&I'm getting 5 bottles! &Total is 7items! It's damn cheap okay! But I couldn't find the colour that I broke it the previous time ):
Boohoo. &I think 5 bottles isn't enough for me ):
Last night went to watch ' Obsessed '

So my Sunday life is to stay at home and rot!
Got to get up early tomorrow to attend Darl's court case ):
I just love to sleep.
&My cousin's girlfriend gave me a website on OPI Nail polish!
&It's bloody hell cheap! Normally you'll get it at a price of $22 each on the shop.
This time on the web, you'll get at the price of $11 each only!!!
Half the price man!!!
Usual price is $12 now having promotion $11 each.

Url :
There's not only OPI nail polish, there's others too :D
See, I'm kind enough to share it to my readers!
&I'm getting 5 bottles! &Total is 7items! It's damn cheap okay! But I couldn't find the colour that I broke it the previous time ):
Boohoo. &I think 5 bottles isn't enough for me ):
Last night went to watch ' Obsessed '

Rating : 4.5 /5 !
So my Sunday life is to stay at home and rot!
Got to get up early tomorrow to attend Darl's court case ):
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Wooo00ooooooooooooo. Had dinner with family at Serangoon &ate steamboat last night! Then went home &out at 1130pm, head down to Serangoon to meet up with Huaiping &Co for drinking.
Then head back home at 2am++
Woke up today, head down to Compass to meet Darl then went for Manicure.
This Nail shop sucks man! Can you believe it? They do not have nail arts!
They only paste sticker! How pathetic -.-
So I told them, do you know how to draw flower?
They told me no -.- WTH! What kind of shop -.- So I only do classic ~
Meeting B 930pm at woodland for movie later.
Hms, got to go! BYE!!!!!!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
16 July '09 ( Thursday )
Head down to Amk police HQ with Darl, then head down to Amkhub to meet Sweetheart.
Darl left after that, there's a small food fare at basement. So sweet and I bought some food and settle it somewhere.
Then, head to pool. She make my ArmaniExchange white top have green chalk!! ):
I'm not going to bleach it! So hope it can be wash away!
After that, head to Yishun for some revision by Cousin.
Then head down to Amk again to meet Sweetheart &Lynna.
Then cab-ed back home.
15 July '09 ( Wednesday )
WooooooOOoooooo, I love Wednesday!
Cause it's B's day! :D
We head down to Causeway for Longjohn!
Wanted to catch movie but do not have any nice time slot.
So head down to
Went to Underwater World.
Then head down to Dolphin Lagoon!
After that head to the Skyride!
B trying to take a picture of me from the back, haha.
After that head back.
14 July '09 ( Tuesday )
Head down to Mall with Darl for Sakae Sushi!
Then head to Hougang with mummy then head back home.
Head down to look for B at 9 plus.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
After being sick for 3-4 days, I'm feeling much better right now.
Having high fever &feeling weak for the past few days ):
Was so worried it might be swine, as I really have all the symptoms okay!
ALL!! Not just few, damn.
Have been rotting and stuck at home for 3days.
Saturday night head down to Mall to look for Darl, then head to Bliss to look for Kokwei &Co.
After that, head back home.
I wanna go out man!
Till now, I'm still sweatingggg ~
Happy birthday Pohchoo (:
Everything single thing seems to change.
It's really not the same anymore.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Swine? ):
Swine flu Symptoms
- fever, which is usually high, but unlike seasonal flu, is sometimes absent
- cough
- runny nose or stuffy nose
- sore throat
- body aches
- headache
- chills
- fatigue or tiredness, which can be extreme
- diarrhea and vomiting, sometimes, but more commonly seen than with seasonal flu
Well, out of 9 of the above symptoms I've like 7 of them? But I only have a slight fever.
No vomiting, just feel like shitting.
For tiredness, I always have it. Everyday, so I'm feeling tired now.
After I just woke up from my nap.
So how? What should I do? Lol, I don't think it's Swine flu right?
It's like so common right now, so it become a normal flu right?
Haha, so I'll just do nothing and wait for it to recover!
It seems like many people fall sick during this season and get paranoid.
&Worried it might be swine. But turn out to be not.
But it seems like this season many people fall sick easily, guess it's all the stupid germs!
&I just found out Sweetheart also have this symptoms! Even vomiting! &She's now fine!
Meaning, I don't even have to get worried at all!
Can go out le, haha. So this post is a rubbish/random post man!
Craving for Roti Prata! Having dinner there later.
Woohoo! Bye.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Today/ later..
It's Thursday, gonna head down to Yishun later.
Still feeling down, might be meeting Sweetheart &Lynna.
As Lynna isn't happy too.
Cheer up alright (: As you say, we can cry together later.
Haha, Sweetheart, you've to lend both of your shoulder okay!
I can lend you mine too, if you wanna cry together.
But it will be retarteddddd!
9th July '09 ( Wednesday )
Head down to meet B at woodland then head down to town to get his leather shoes.
Had some argument with B, &is just a $2 thing make it serious.
Had dinner at HongKong cafe, didn't ate much.
Then, suppose to meet Sweetheart, Lynna &co. for drinking.
It's ladies night at power house!
But, I dress like shit. So, don't wanna club.
Told them to change to pub, which they change to Icepub at Serangoon.
Suddenly Dan called and told us to go Jab1 to drink at Boatquay.
To celebrates his advance birthday. So B &I head down and I didn't went Serangoon.
I'm sorry my friends, I broke my promise.
Feeling super down, cried.
Things happen but didn't want to talk about it, just need someone there for me.
But guess one's drunk and one don't know? I don't know..
3rd - 5th July '09 ( Friday - Sunday roadshow )
Let the photos do the talking..
&Sweetheart made them cut my nails ):
Photos with Sweetheart, Lynna &I.
All the photos are un - glammmm!
They remove the table and left the chair! So both of us was like sitting from no where!
2nd July '09 ( Thursday )
Head down to Compass to meet Darl for Starbucks.
But it's raining cats and dogs.
So head to Sakae Sushi!
So I wanna buy some herbal tea and some sweets for sore throat for him.
After that head to Yishun to do my revision with Cousin as it's Thursday.
1st July '09 ( Wednesday )
Meet B at town for the movie ' Transformers '
Can't remember head down to where after movie.
Can't help, bad memory. Yeah.
30th June '09 ( Tuesday )
Head down to Agent to get Road show pay, Darl accompany me along.
After that head down to Westmall to get receipt.
&Finally Blogger is able to upload photos!
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