31st March '10 ( Wednesday )
It's a wonderful day! (V)
It start off well &of course the day will also ends it well!
It start off well &of course the day will also ends it well!
After everything, head down to Ratchada with Huaiping.
Meet Alex and co over there. It's like the world it's so small! Guess who I saw?
Michelle the ah lian! Lol!
It's like this is not the first time I saw her. Maybe two of us have fate. Hahaha.

She is real crazy la! Crazy girl! So happy to see her. Meet up soon uh!
Head home early. Head home went closing. That's all.
Short update. Will be working for the next few days. Having roadshow.
This few days have been meeting Lynna too. Tomorrow will be bringing her to office and I'll train her on the products!
Hope everything goes well for everyone! Especially Lynna & my sister.
Look on a brighter side, everything will be over soon. Bear with it.
Look on a brighter side, everything will be over soon. Bear with it.
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