Quote :
It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone else but it’s more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you
HK trip - Day 1 ( 24th March '10 )
Finally I'm gonna blog about my HongKong trip which happen on the 24th. Which is also my Father's birthday.
So.. Happy birthday daddy!
I'm already forgetting about the trip to Hongkong, but! Nevertheless, I'll try my best to recall everything!
Hmm, I've like 300plus photos for the whole trip. Some are not only taken at Hk but also at ShenZhen ( China )
The first day of the trip is always full of photos, but during the ending of the trip the photos always get lesser because this is how the word lazy came from.
Haha! So meaning, this post will full with pictureees!
Okay, I recall I didn't really catch a wink before the flight. &The flight is at 8am.
Which I've to get myself prepare at 4am? Because you've to check in the bags 2hours earlier.
After that we cab down and settle the important stuff then head for our early breakfast!
Toast bread with coffee! A energy drink is a need for me whenever I'm sleepy!
Either a Redbull or a hot/warm nice coffee will be good for me!
&The whole trip I didn't even put make up! So I might look ugly ):
Don't mind my looks, only drew my eyebrow because it's the most important thing on my face!
&It's a must for me! My rules!
Shag face, yeah, I know.
After that, we head in to the departure hall. Didn't wait long to enter the plane, we're like even late.
Cause my grandmother walk very slow! &We've to wait for her and held her hand like a good grandchild as that's what we always do! Never to forget her (:
Phone was off, Itouch were on, music was listen for the whole journey.
I guess I also didn't sleep on the plane? If I've was only for a short sleep, resting my eyes?
This makes me recall this is the second trip that I didn't sleep before flying!
The first one was, I went to, eh, if I'm not wrong it's either China or Taiwan, I came back and after an hour, I flew to Bangkok -.-
&I was totally exhausted! I remember before the plane were even setting off, I was already asleep!
I've worn sunglasses during the flight because it's very bright and I don't wish to close the shatter at all! Cause I just love to look out the window and I need a window seat if not I'll feel uneasy. Even car, bus, cab.. Everything that has window! I just love to stare outside and think and look at all the beautiful things in the world.
&This is like so damn cool, because when you're up up in the sky, it'll be very very cold right! Even the window with a small little dot hole it's having ice all over it!
It's not something you can see everyday, unless you fly every day or you're someone working on the plane.
&Not everyone can effort or has taken a plane before!
Finally we reach Hongkong! The weather for the first day isn't cold at all. It's only 20plus degrees or something?
While waiting for more information for our hotels and every other things, I started using my Itouch to surf net, tweet, download Hk's mrt map and taking photos!
Yup! My aunt tag along too!
On the bus..
Finally! Our 5stars hotel! L'Hotel! A very nice hotel! Totally love it!
A see through toilet!
2 Queen size bed!
We had our late lunch at a unknown random shop on the street.
Which taste awful! &I was so hungry! &The portion is darn big!
Hahaha, so my mum and I look alike?
After food, walk around, looking for a train station. To train to a street for shopping!
' Nue ren zie ' - Woman's street.
This is how their Mrt station logo looks like.
Their Mrt card which is our Ezlink card. It's called the Octopus card!
Our first stop was to go to a temple!
Then, bought myself a bubble tea!
Then to this shop for dessert! YUM YUM!
To the woman's street!
These are underwears! For guys!
Head to a vegetarian restaurant to had our dinner. As my aunt is a vegetarian.
Things I bought.
Zzz, I'm getting lazier to blog. So everything is getting more and more boring.
Next post will be about Day 2! Stay tune!
BORING MONDAY! Zzz, I cannot stay at home, for sure.
I need to dye my hair again.
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