Bless Japan. (Y)
3rd February 2011 ( Thursday )
Chu 1 ( 1st Day )
Chu 1 ( 1st Day )
Hmm, oh man I'm damn lazy and tired to blog now. Why do I always have to blog till at least 3am then I'll give it a rest? Yawns!
But nevertheless, I'll still blog! Cause it's been so long since I last blog, I've not much time as I wasted my 1 month in hospital but now I've all the time but I'm freaking lazy.
I've.a. freaking.lazy.butt.
Oh ya, back to Chinese new year post. Hmm, fuck I don't remember anything la. Zzz but I'll try.
Hmmmm, as usual, as always, every single year, we'll get up early in the morning like 7 - 8 am?
Dress up, head down to mum's office first then after that head down to grandmother's house to bai nian!
Yeah, thanks, I know I dress like shit -.-
It's okay, I get lots of comments that I look older than my elder sister.
In fact is she's older than me by a year!
Happy ' TU ' nian!!!!!
Long live noodle!! (Y)
I like this noodle though it taste bland but it's pretty sweet!
I know, I look fucking fat!
Both this flowers is my uncle fix it.
Wait, what am I saying? Zzz.
After going to grandmother's house head back to my house.
I'm so sick of repeating everything every year by saying and explaining the same old thing.. -.-
All my relatives, will come over my house cause my grandmother live with us. And my mum will order buffet for everyone, vegetarian for all.
And I've a BIG family tree and I really mean BIG!
I've 4 grandmothers, no joke!
It's a gathering for us, cousins!
And also, every year it's a must to have a lion dance on chu 1 no matter what.
So every year, I'll call up every of my friends who is in lion dance troupe and ask the pricing for 1 head.
This year the lucking winner is Sweetheart's boyfriend's troupe.
1 head lion + 2 big head ( Da tou )
Mostly is 1 lion + fortune god.
And seriously, I'm freaking afraid of all these stuff. Fucking scared.
So I told them to stay at least 3 arms apart from me!
And so, of course, they'll give 4 numbers. And that 4 numbers are 2011 -.-
It's like wtf? 2011 ain't this year's year?
LOL. never mind bout that -.-
' Wang wang '
Getting lesser and lesser gambling at home, gah.
Niece + Nephew = CUTE ( Like me )
Lou hei lo.
End my day going Jurong and gamble. Not those small amount, but those 100 - 1K.
Lucky I didn't lost much.
This year seriously my luck ain't with me at all.
This year my luck sucks like shit.
If not so much things won't happen to me at all.
Shity stuff which last me forever.
Next up - Chu 2 or accident?
Actually, I shouldn't even blog about me being in an accident but I wanna blog not cause I'm proud of it. It's cause I wanna remind myself not to sit bike and also let me recall when I'm older.
So don't comment about me!
Zz, It's 3.18am now. I blog pretty fast! This time only 2 hours!
Gooood night people!
Hope things will change for the better for me and everyone. Shoo bad luck!
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