RIP Lost and found.
Why is it called lost and found and how it came? Click
Fucking un-glam photos, without make up and gore image.
Don't judge me after looking at the photos and also don't laugh.
Cause I make sure and I swear karma will strike against you.
13 February '11 ( Sunday )
Remember I used to have beautiful legs?
I also remember many fall for me cause of my legs, yeah but now?
Yeah, I remember it was during chinese new year, a day before valentines' day.
I also remember I suppose to catch a movie with my family during the sunday noon.
But before the sun rise, I head out, which mean around Sunday morning, 1am, I'm out to meet J, he came over to fetch me, yes, I sat on his bike. Suzuki, K8, 1000cc bike, class 2. Yes, he've a license.
If i'm not wrong we were out for supper then head down to orchard cineleisure to catch the movie ' What woman wants ' at 4am by Andy lau.
( From that day onwards, i dislike him -.- )
After the movie, it was 6am. I got to rush home, before my family nags at me.
I actually wanted to take a cab home but he insist on sending me home.
So, as i was in the rush, he ofcourse speeds.
He was riding around 175km/h. I was at CTE going towards TPE, before TPE there's a tunnel.
Before entering the tunnel, i suddenly felt something amiss, like something gonna happen.
I did ask him, but he cant seems to hear what Im saying.
So, when going into the tunnel, its a corner area, so he bend down real low, that i could touch the ground.
( fuck, now im thinking of it and it freaks me out! )
So, where was i? Hmm, while bending down
( cornering ) we cut through a car, a family ' wish ' car. Just right after cutting the car, we skid. I could have die, if the car didnt stop in time.
I was all the while awake, I didnt faint nor cry. But i know i almost die.
From the very right lane, i fall and roll to the very left lane where the lane that ambulance travel.
the bike flew 50meter away and i flew 2 lane away.
I got up, i sit up, J look back and even ask me whether i wanna go home -.-
And i still thinking of walking home, and do you know what's the first thing I did when i sit up?
Check my nails! Haha, okay i did not cry and i couldnt felt any pain at all, the only pain is in my shoulder and thigh.
After checking my nails, i look at my leg, i saw my right keen all the flesh dropped out and hanging there.
It didnt freak me out -.- I didnt know i was bleeding so much.
My jacket were torn, oh ya I'm wearing shorts. My bag flew, my itouch is still in perfect condition, music is still playing, but ear piece break into half, my key pouch in my bag flew out too, my bag was torn and the leather all was torn too. My slipper was fine, I was shock it didnt break off! Only the brand got scrape off.
I scolded J for not telling me the bike is going to skid, I mean even if he tell me, Ive no idea what to do either.
I told him to remove the helmet, he just pull it off my head, he didn't untie it. Zzz
I scolded him for pulling it off. The helmet spilt into half.
J and the car driver got into a small conflict -.- so i shouted and stopped them.
J thought i was dying, he kept touching my face and i scolded him. Cause i hate people touch my face! But he kept touching even after I scolded him -.-
Oh well, he cried too, he was so worried that I might die.
At that moment, I was hoping so much that I could die. I so wanted to die.
I wanted to lie down, but the ground was dirty so I told J to come over and i lie onto his shoe.
I close my eyes, but I couldnt fall asleep. Ambulance didnt arrive after 15minutes after the call, so they call them again, and guess what they say? " the previous call you made we didn't register the, they'll be coming now ' WTF?!
The ambulace arrive and carry me up, the first time, they drop me. ANOTHER MISTAKE.
I head down to KTPH, they bring me to operation room and i make a phone call to my mum.
They cut off my clothes and took out all my studs, and blah blah.
i kept sleeping non-stop, i guess i lost too much blood.
Oh, nother happen to J, he's fine, cause he know it's gonna skid.
I know a few people came to visit me, can't remember what I did, I was too tired. I think i scolded them or i make a joke out of myself.
( so much feel like cutting this short ) ( in a rush going to genting!!!! )
I woke up, i ask the nurse where am I? They say I'm at KTPH, i thought I was at TTSH.
So i say, oh TTSH. then she say no KTPH. i say oh ok, Then i ask again. She say KTPH, then I ask is there such hospital? LOL.
It's a yishun by the way.
After few hours, they stitch my wound up, and I'm looking at it.
After that, they discharge me.
Another mistake gonna happen.
KTPH made many serious mistake.
I went home like a mummy.
Guess what? The next day, I woke up, i found myself bleeding non-stop, my blanket and bed is full of my blood.
I rush down to hospital again, they undress my bandage.
Gross image coming. ( Dont mind my face )
Got admitted after 6 hours of waiting..........
Happy valentines' day guys! -.-
1st mistake : They found out I've cracks on my right plum bone. They didnt tell me till I'm admitted.
2nd mistake : It was so serious and they didn't admit me in? and send me home?
But i must say that their ward A is fucking awesome!!!
52inch LCD? Touch screen computer? Fridge? Sofa? Automatic curtain and lights? 10K bed?
Every morning, they've to pull out the bandage without giving me injection.
After the 1st operation in KTPH, we decided to go for plastic surgery.
So a doctor from SGH came over to check out my wound.
Guess what he say?
" lucky i decided to go for plastic surgery, if not I might not be able to walk forever. '
3rd mistake - such fucking serious stuff and KTPH didnt inform me? If i didnt say i wanna go for plastic, and they didnt tell me, so i might not walk forever?!
4th mistake - After transfer to SGH, my right plum bone did not crack, it's broken and it's sink down. So now my index finger have problem and it's lower then the rest by alot and there's a bone popping out.
4 mistakes KTPH made, I wanted to sue them, but lawyer says I'll never win cause It's a hospital.
Before transfering to SGH, serious infection.

Okay, fuck this shit, I shall summerise them all. I'm so bloody lazy to think of them and type it out and I'm in a rush! I did 4 operation in total, I did skin graft too. The skin I took from my thigh.
I suffer 1 month in hospital by lying down for a month, couldnt bathe for a month, fever for a month and blah blah.
I appreciate thosse who come visit me. I spend 1 month in hospital and also 1 month in A ward, I never was once alone.
Okay lazy to type more, some friends or rather very good best friend didnt even come or ask about me. Aren't they fucking usless? Yeah, they're out of my life.
Thanks everyone for the care and concern.
My family members and relative came everyday and bring me food and so on.
Thanks (Y) They do dote me alot.
Update soon! Rushing to genting with B!
Hope it'll be a smooth trip!