Photos above is taken during Raymond's wedding dinner on the 19th Dec '09.
Luckily I'm don't look that bad in this photo! Haha, phew!
In less than 24 hours it's will be a new year, 2010!
Are you guys ready? Well, I'm not I guess?
How you guys will be celebrating the new year of it?
I'll be staying at home! Boring isn't it! I hate crowdssss!
Hope you guys enjoy alright! Haha
I know, I know, I still owe my blog many blog entry!
Example, Christmas, Alex's birthday, Peirong's birthday.
Basically, drinking drinking &drinking.
But still, wait for my post!!
Blame those people who haven't send me those photos!!!
I am damn tired, the time now is close to 4.30am! Yawns, my eyes is closing.
But I need to blog in case tomorrow I've no time to blog & wish you guys a
Happy 2010! Happy new year people!
A new year, a new start.
Better luck &life!
Bless you people!
A new year, a new start.
Better luck &life!
Bless you people!
Can't remember what I want say!
Well, hope I've a better year for me.
Hope everything go on smoothly, change for the better too.
&Of course! I need a school! A place where I can take private diploma asap!!!
Bye people!
Ain't happy at all ):
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