Today! I bake some cookies! Or should I say biscuits? Haha!
It taste quite yummy, but it's kinda hard :/
Sister's cake turn out to be .... eh,
one word to describe it - Yucks?
( She's gonna kill me -.- )
( She's gonna kill me -.- )
Here are the pictures of the outing with Huaiping &Michelle!
This are the pictures when I'm down to Compass to collect my Sim card.
&Huaiping &Kailing was there.
Tomorrow is Wednesday! &I'm gonna watch Phobia2!
I'm scared -.- I love horrors movie! Don't you guys love it too!?
But Phobia always creep me up, scary. :/
The trailer is kinda scary, seems like there's many shocking parts.
Hope tomorrow the theater will be full of people!
If not, I won't watch it. Cause it's like you may not know who's beside you!
Lol, pray hard to have half of the people in the theater.
Gonna rest my eyes. BYE! Shall update soon (:
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