10 June '09 ( Wednesday )
Woke up at 11am, wash up &get ready.
Train down to Harbour front to collect B's top &pants from a tailor shop.
The tailor make some mistake, suppose to be purple lining but turn out to be white -.-
After that, train down to Bishan to pass B his clothing.
But just before when I'm about to go up to look for him...
A guy approach me, but I didn't bother as I was listening to musics.
But the guy keep talking to me, so I remove one of the ear pierce to hear what he have to say.
So the first question he asked was ' How tall are you, I just want to know. '
So, I tell him how tall I was. Then he begin his conversation..
So, he say if I know who he was. I say no.
He say, I'm STEVEN LIM. You don't know?
Then I say, ohhhhh I know. Haha, you grow thinner can't recognise you.
So, the conversation was about some kind of modeling which Mediacorp is looking for?
He say is Mediacorp send him to find people or so..
&I just have to pay $100 to get in. $100!
So, I tried to reject him..
Cause I think he is trying to con me.
But he try all ways to convince me. &I actually gave him $100!!!!!!!!!!!!
He took some, SOME photos of me &video.
I look so dumb laaaa -.-
So...... the thing is...
I got con, I got con, I got con, I got con, I got con, I got con, I got con,
I got con, I got con, I got con, I got con, I got con, I got con, I got con,
I got con, I got con, I got con, I got con, I got con, I got con, I got con!
I'm so dumb &stupid, I'm so dumb &stupid, I'm so dumb &stupid,
I'm so dumb &stupid, I'm so dumb &stupid, I'm so dumb &stupid,
I'm so dumb &stupid, I'm so dumb &stupid, I'm so dumb &stupid!
I got con, I got con, I got con, I got con, I got con, I got con, I got con,
I got con, I got con, I got con, I got con, I got con, I got con, I got con!
I'm so dumb &stupid, I'm so dumb &stupid, I'm so dumb &stupid,
I'm so dumb &stupid, I'm so dumb &stupid, I'm so dumb &stupid,
I'm so dumb &stupid, I'm so dumb &stupid, I'm so dumb &stupid!
AHHH!!! I'm not worried about the money.
But I'm worried about the photos! DAMN HIM!
So, I check it out with some people. &Find out he's not under Mediacorp.
&Most people know that, it does seems like I'm dumb -.- Cause I do not know it.
If you see him, if he approach you. Just run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-.- Okay, not run la. Maybe avoid him as much as you can.
Or just don't believe whatever he is gonna say.
Arghs, I felt so dumb right now. I didn't think much about it till I left....
@#$%&@%%$#@$#% ! F.SHIT!
So, after I got con... I went up to pass B his clothes then head down to taxi stand to meet my cousin.
Then cab down to ECP to meet another cousin &both his friend at mac.
Then went to rent Roller blade. &Blade all the way for 2 hours.
Cousin Wan ee fell down &bleed alot alot on her knee.
Then his brother, which is my cousin too -.- Cousin Yeong Shun hold his sister's hand and skate together! ( Because there's a slope )
This is rare to see okay! Is like once in a life time!
Haha, so I took this picture &told Yeong shun he'll be the head lines of my blog.
But I guess Steven Lim hit it first -.-
Shit him!
Both of us cab-ed home, as Wanee is staying at my house now. It's been 2 weeks..
So, had our dinner at home. I tried to call Steven, he didn't pick up. Then after a few minutes, he call back.
We chat, I asked for the photos and money back. He say no refund, ask me check out his website all that.
Say will email me tomorrow -.-
Then I head down to Bishan at 8.30pm to meet B.
Train-ed down to Woodland to catch our movie ' Blood ' .
Movie starts at 9.45pm but went in late due to the long Q &system is slowwwwww.
So, miss the first part of the movie.
Baddddddddd, not nice. Too grapic! Not worth it at allll -.-
After movie bus-ed back home.
Nothing much, meeting B tomorrow. Haha. Bye.
Sleep early all! It's 2.30am. I'm still pissed offfff -.-
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