13th April '09 ( Monday )
Happy Birthday to my Dearest Mummy :D !
Yes, I took off. Woke up at 10, it's early right!? Omggxzxzxz, no work still got to get up early.
Cause I've to do my passport ): So went to pick Daddy up at work with Mummy. Sister &Sister's bf.
Head down to Lavender to do my passport then head down to ' Si Ma Lu ' as mummy wanna pray.
After that head down to Plaza Singapura. Went to ' Manhattan Fish Market ' to have our lunch.
I went to talk to their Manager for some special request. Asking if there's any Bday surprise or so?
I told them after everything when we're about to settle the bill please bring out a small cake or so and put one candle on top of it.
So, they did it. But still, I wanna complain! Zzz, never mind. This few days I seems like I want to complain this and that.
Changed of mood too. Lol.
That's my Flaming prawns! Yummy!!
Mummy, me &sister.
I look kindo in this photo -.-
After eating, head down to Tampines to walk.
No work still have to go down Tampines -.- How boring can it be?
Feeling unwell the whole day ): Poor me.
After that, head back home. Order Pizza. Food arrive, table full with food.
Grandmother cook too, so have to eat this and that.
Pack some pizza, went to meet Darl for awhile. Pass her some Pizza &done!
She say I finally wear something so girly -.- Bloody hell.
14th April ' 09 ( today )
Having red eye this morning ): Don't intend to go work, but no choice.
Punch my card and realize I forget to bring my Locker key, my name tag and so -.-
Then went down to Nail shop to do my nails!
As last night, I was done painting my left hand then when I was about to paint my right hand.
I felt very very lazy, so stopped and told my self. Leave it laaaa, tomorrow go shop do -.-
Lol, so this nails cost me $50 plus plus. It have to be nice okay!
So how was it? There's rose design on it. Lol, during lunch time went out to eat with A-Jane and Tv dept staff.
Guess where we went? Tamp 802!!! It's been a long long time since I last went there.
As usual, order Oyster egg!! Yummy, Hokkien Mee have not open yet.
So order Mee Pok. This is like my 2nd time eating it? Yes, I don't eat Mee Pok.
No reason. Just don't. After eating everything, I'm still hungry! Omggggxzxz! What happen to my stomach -.-
After work went to meet Darl for Coffee Bean. Then she asked me if I would like to visit Joel in the hospital.
So cab-ed down to TTSH. Visit him for awhile as it's way pass the visiting hours.
After that, cab-ed home.
Nothing much, will update soon!
Nights peeps.
&Sweetheart has left to Thailand. Shall start to miss her now.
&It's after 12 now.
So is 15th April '09.
Happy Birthday Alex!
Am I a nothing or a something?
I felt dumb, confuse &what should I do?
I felt dumb, confuse &what should I do?
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