Alright, start from yesterday. After work, went home to use my lappy for a moment &then went to get myself prepared.
So, after I'm ready to leave my house. I cab-ed down to Kovan to meet Sweetheart.
Went up to Alan's house. Then Alan's friend, Jackson, came to his house too.
So, while waiting for Alan to be home, the three of us started to cam-whoring using Sweetheart's web-cam.
This are some of the pictures, the rest are with Sweetheart. Shall upload the few.

&Finally, Alan came home. Get prepared &set off to Arab street to meet Kel, Sen &co. for Sheesha! I know I spelled it wrongly, it's suppose to be ShiSha right? Lol.
Well, yes it's my first time. &I don't really like it, I guess Sweetheart don't really like it too uhs?
Well, I kinda enjoy myself there. With Jackson &Alan around, sure there will be laughter!
After Alan's friends are all here, we stay there till 1.30am &head down to Newton for supper!
Yummy yummy! Haha, after supper we all head back home. Thanks Alan for sending us home :D
There are some pictures with me, but there's some thing wrong with it. I just can't upload it in to my lappy.
Well, I hate new phone because I've to reset every single thing &I've to set up the program for the transfer.
This few days, the sales really sucks. It's either zero or one sales. Damn, today it's the last day of Feb &there goes my target ):
Alright, I shall say bye for now (:
P.s. Jackson! I left my bicycle at Arab street ): Boohoo!
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