Head over to compass to meet Huaiping and Steff, had a drink of coffee and head off to course. After course, head over to Kovan for supper at Xinwang Hongkong cafe with Huaiping, Steff, Peirong, tutu, bert and bobby! After that head over to their house and play! Tutu's cat is damn damn adorable I tell you! I LOVE HIS CAT!
That's all! A short post!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Fuck. Suppose to go birdpark now end up not going. Real great man.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Heading out to have dinner with Huaiping and Steff at Bliss. After that heading for movie.
On October 2010, a few days ago, A man and his son is on his way home from the Air port. While driving along Ulu Pandan Road, they notice something at the bus stop.
Man said : "I was on my way back from the airport with my son, driving along the main Ulu Pandan Road and noticed something strange at the bus stop, near a dustbin.
"At first we thought it was a big dog or some sort of creature.
"My son took this video on his handphone, and after many views we realised it could quite simply be a bear!
"After it caught sight of us and started heading our way, it made sense to drive off without hesitation.
"It was a close shave."
This is what he said, and the picture below is what his son took from his phone.
Of course, it was up on the news. No one know if it's real or fake. So people staying near that area was afraid, polices and employees from the Singapore ZOO went to search for this ' Bear '
The video below is the video that his son took.
Wanna know the truth?!
Check out the next video to find out if it's real or fake!!
Now do you know the answer?
But I seriously don't get it, why must the ' bear ' go such a quiet area? Why must it appear in the night? The main question I wanna ask is, why the ' bear ' dig the dust bin!?!
Okay, so Philip is trying to promote a new shaver, so they decided to use a bear. &They also apologies.
Click: HERE to check out the Stomp website of this article. HERE to check out the news in Straits Times. HERE to check out the apologies that Philips made.
HAHA That's all! I've no idea why I post this. Maybe cause I find this really funny and interesting!
If any of you know why the ' bear ' is digging the dust bin, do leave a comment or tell me. THANKS! ( My daddy say, cause they're trying to make attention. Is it true? ' )
Credits to : Stomp.com.sg , Youtube.com & Straits Times.
Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them. -Unknown
3rd October 2010 ( Sunday )
Happy birthday Ahma!
( Huge durain cake )
Yet another celebration for my Grandmother's birthday. But this time, is the one staying with us ( My father's side ) Every year, during October, my Uncle will always book a restaurant for 4 tables. Which he always spend around more than 1K? How lucky my Ahma is hor, is like she gets married every year because all the dishes are what you see in a wedding dinner! It's another gathering for our family too! I love meeting my relatives up, cause it's fun!
Niece - Joy, Nephew - Aden ( I think that's the way to spell it ) I always always called him the wrong names like Adrain.. Etc.. My youngest nephew, 8months old. Cried only when stranger carries him.
My cousin carrying the baby, using a cloth to cover his eyes cause he wanna sleep. Funny right.
Ahh! Here is my smartest niece! She is damn smart, trust me. Like smarter than me lo! I swear! Age 2, speaks English, Chinese and also TEOW CHEW!!!! Tell me, which kid at the age of 2 can speak all this. Which kid at the age of 2 can fix jigsaw puzzle by herself?
That's all! I seriously have nothing to blog about. Lol. I'll try to find more pictures and event to update alright? Readers please don't drop! Please click on my advertisement too! Thanks! Gonna watch my drama and do my nails. Yes, seriously, at this timing.. ( 1230am ) BYEEEE