I wish I can read your mind..
22th May 2010 ( Saturday)
Went to work, head off early and rush over to air port with family to send my cousin off.
He is going to Japan to work for half a year.
Hope he get some stuff for me :DDDDDD
Head to Fish &Co for our late late dinner.

Then around 10 plus, his friends came over too.
Took 2 family photo.

I head off at 11pm before he depart. Cause I'm late for my movie.
Cab down to Cine at 1130pm. Movie start at 1130, around 12am then B and I found out we went to the wrong place.
The movie is at Plaza sing! zzz! It took us half an hour to find out because we were busy finding level 7!
&Cine, do not have level 7!
After watching
' Once a gangster ' head back home.
This movie sucks, I miss half the show -.-

Farewell cousin shun! Take care!
15th May 2010 ( Saturday )
I'll try my best to remember on what to blog.Yes! I took off day and meet up with B, Wendy & Eldwin to
Universal Studio!Was suppose to meet them at 7am in the morning. But B got a hangover.
So we push back the timing. Rest at his house for a moment, while the other 2 head there first and get the tickets.
Then around 1 plus we then head over to meet them.
The tickets cost
$75 per person! Cause it's weekend and it'll be more expensive than weekdays.
Not as much people as I thought, but still, there is crowd.
&There's also $5 retail coupon and $10 food coupon per person too.
I think it's quite worth if you go with friends or love ones.
If you have fun it will be the best! And of course,
their service is very very good!The best I ever seen! &It's not as hot as Zoo, there's air con almost everywhere. Except open area, of course.

This is Wendy.

This is the Panasonic ride, which you can say it's the only ride that haven't open yet.
The mummy ride is the best over there! We rode it a total of 2 times! We wanna ride more, but there isn't anymore time left.
The ride is in a very dark place, you can't see anything. But there's some cool stuff inside!
Not only this ride go forward, it also travel backwards! Darn
awesomeeee I say!

The upper two photos I went to Google it.
Credits : GOOGLE image.&We had our late late brunch over there at
Mel's drive - in!
The food taste normal, but the environment is totally different and darn cool I tell you!
It make me feel like I'm in the oldies!

Went into
Far far away, took the ride
' Enchanted Airway '! Short yet fun too.
Then also head to the
Shrek 4d show! The water keep splashing out whenever donkey sneeze!

Eldwin and Wendy with kungfu panda!
Took quite a few rides, or you could say almost most of the ride!
The very last ride we took will be the lost world, cause we know we'll sure get wet!
Queue up for more than an hour!
So we took it the last, it's damn cool. They bring you up high around 2 floor I guess? Then drop you down!
&Guess what? The three of us aren't wet! Only Eldwin! That's real funny!
Though I didn't see how the water drop down on him. but the other two saw it!
& also we head to the water world, we thought there's fishes, dolphin performances.
But end up it's about a water show performances. Not nice but the effect is very very nice!
The fire, the water, the sound effect! WOW! Makes you really wanna go wow!
And if you sit the first batch of bench, it's the soak wet area! &The second batch will be wet area or something.
Very funny! You should see how they throw and splash the water!

&I also make use of the $20 retail coupon by buying a teddy bear!
After that, we head to AMK to eat crab. It's only 7 plus 8!
But, once we reach there, no more crab. Wasted!
So Shengren fetch us over to beach road and meet the rest.
We had fish head soup and some other dish.
There's 10 of us, then head over to Leisure park to catch the movie
' The Loser ' at 11.30pm.
But at 11.30pm, suddenly B have some family problem, so we head back without catching the show.
Wonder how's the movie? I didn't ask them.
Then head back home after that.
P.s. everytime after the ride, the staff will clap their hands!I wonder won't they get tired of it? How much they get per clap? HahaRest in peace Mr Denan.
We'll miss you, everything happen too sudden.
It's really very sad.