Day 1 of Chinese new year ( 14 Feb ' 10 ) ( Sunday )
( Which also fall on Valentine's day )

Woke up early in the morning, prepared and worn something that is a total
no-no for me!
For those who know me well, you know I
don't wear dress! &It will be a miracle if I do wear it!
&Indeed, it's a miracle! I
worn a dress on the first day of Chinese new year!
Well, it's nothing though. Haha, but I can say for those who saw me in dress, you're really very very lucky!
For those who wants to see me in dress, today will be your day!
Cause I've pictures of it! Haha.

Alright, as usual, same as every year, doing the same thing.
First stop was to my mum's office. Mummy do some praying while we helped out what we could.
If not, rot at a spot and camwhore with sister! That's what most of the girls do right!

I know it's ugly, but I don't care!

It's suppose to be this way, Macro the orange.


Haha! That's my daddy! Funny right! I don't know why he give this action too.

Take 1

Take 2

After mum's office, we head to grandmother's house!
( Mum's side )We're always the first to reach! Took some family photos, sat down awhile, munch some food &head back home!
There's like
1332434645674 people in our house, slowly recall everyone names and greet them one by one. If I do not know what to call, I shall just skip or say hi. Haha!
At the same time, you know, take
red packets!
Hoho! This is my niece, Joy.
After eating buffet, it's
gamble time!
Lose at the start, but when I'm the banker, I win back all!
I won $47 I think!
After that, waited for lion troupe to arrive.
&Finally they arrive.
Alex and Jurist was the one dancing in it, Lol.

&That stupid Jurist kick and step on my dog's bed -.-
Damn him, lol.

This was the number they gave, didn't strike at all.

This is my Nephew, Ayden.
Just found out he got hand food mouth disease.
Guess that's how me &my sister got it too?
Well, everyone, get well soon! Hope we don't spread to anyone out there!
Will be guilty! For sure!

My dog love the sun a lot a lot.
Don't know why she just love sun-tanning, she's black enough!
During the night, head out to Bahbar but end up going to HOS to drink with Darl &co.
During the ending of the night, many things happen -.-
Head back home after that.
Been gambling during chinese new year, almost everyday.
There's lose and win.
Lose $100 plus. Win $200plus.

That's all I guess? I been blogging for hours! But like finally a full post?
I end it with my dog photo saying bye! Good night people!
&I receive nothing for Valentine!
Remember to click on my advertisement &pray hard for me to get well!
As HFMD do not have medicine.
&Damn my mouth and foot, it's hurting me!
What do I want? What do you really want?