Found a better deal!
OPI nail lacquers at only 9bucks each!
Do support Cindy :D
Min 3 bottles.
Maybe we could order it together if any caught your eyes!
It'll be cheaper (:
Twitter Updates
Monday, August 31, 2009
Wondering if I should blog, guess I should! Cause I'm starting work tomorrow!
I also wanna repaint my nails, but I wanna go out at the same time.
Oh man.
Drinking session with usual co. at boat quay!
Was rotting at home &on the phone with Sweetheart.
Wondering if we should go down Boat quay or Serangoon.
So at 9pm, I cab down to meet Lynna and Sweetheart near their house!
( I always have to cab down there to meet them cause both of them stay beside each other! )
After that, chit chat for a moment then cab down to Boat quay to meet the rest.

Head back home after drink. Stupid sweetheart was drunk at Rev and many funny things happen!
Monster L as Micheal -.-
Lol, just a short post. Gonna do my nails! Bye!
I also wanna repaint my nails, but I wanna go out at the same time.
Oh man.
29th Aug '09 ( Saturday )
Drinking session with usual co. at boat quay!
Was rotting at home &on the phone with Sweetheart.
Wondering if we should go down Boat quay or Serangoon.
So at 9pm, I cab down to meet Lynna and Sweetheart near their house!
( I always have to cab down there to meet them cause both of them stay beside each other! )
After that, chit chat for a moment then cab down to Boat quay to meet the rest.

Monster L as Micheal -.-
Lol, just a short post. Gonna do my nails! Bye!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Alright, I'm back. Shall update about 26th Aug '09 ( Wednesday )
Looking through the newspaper of Jobs that is available.
Found one, it's retail job. Felt weird, cause once a promoter from sales line now end up working in retail.
But had no choice, so tried to call them up.
Went right down for interview at Vivo after the call.
&Something happen which make me very very awfully angry.
But still, I forgive her. Once again, I'm stupid.
So, the interview took around 5 minutes only.
After that head down to Amk awhile then to Yishun to do some revision.
After revision, head down to Rev to meet the usual co.
But only the 2 ladies. Plus me it's 3. Drank &head back home early as I'm having examination the next day.
It's my private O level Oral examination!
Woke up &it's raining heavily. Prepare &bus-ed down to CHIJ.
Which is only a stop away from my house? But no choice, it's raining.
So have to take a bus over.
Well, did I screw up my examination? Don't wanna say.
Lol, after exam walk back home &change as I got drench in the rain.
After I've change, went down as the 3 of them were waiting for me in the car -.-
Chit chat for a moment &bus to woodland to meet B.
Watch the movie ' Final Destination 4 '

Well, it's alright. It's kinda too graphic.
Nothing much after that.
Rot at home for the whole bloody day.
DIY the two photo frame by myself.
&Bought a Bling nail buffer for myself :D

&One more thing! I got selected for the Job! Super shock!
Starting work on Tuesday 1st Sept. Hope I can have lunch/dinner with my friends which work in Bestdenki too?
Maybe even Sweetheart..
I'll be busy working again! Boring. But I'm only one step away from my Burberry bag!
&Heard from Jackson there's a 50% off of Burberry!? OMG!
Goooodnighttttt peeeps! Shall call up Sony Ericsson tomorrow to get my phone back!
Looking through the newspaper of Jobs that is available.
Found one, it's retail job. Felt weird, cause once a promoter from sales line now end up working in retail.
But had no choice, so tried to call them up.
Went right down for interview at Vivo after the call.
&Something happen which make me very very awfully angry.
But still, I forgive her. Once again, I'm stupid.
So, the interview took around 5 minutes only.
After that head down to Amk awhile then to Yishun to do some revision.
After revision, head down to Rev to meet the usual co.
But only the 2 ladies. Plus me it's 3. Drank &head back home early as I'm having examination the next day.
27th Aug '09 ( Thursday )
It's my private O level Oral examination!
Woke up &it's raining heavily. Prepare &bus-ed down to CHIJ.
Which is only a stop away from my house? But no choice, it's raining.
So have to take a bus over.
Well, did I screw up my examination? Don't wanna say.
Lol, after exam walk back home &change as I got drench in the rain.
After I've change, went down as the 3 of them were waiting for me in the car -.-
Chit chat for a moment &bus to woodland to meet B.
Watch the movie ' Final Destination 4 '

Rating : 3.5/5?
Well, it's alright. It's kinda too graphic.
Nothing much after that.
28 Aug '09 ( Friday )
Rot at home for the whole bloody day.
DIY the two photo frame by myself.
&Bought a Bling nail buffer for myself :D
&One more thing! I got selected for the Job! Super shock!
Starting work on Tuesday 1st Sept. Hope I can have lunch/dinner with my friends which work in Bestdenki too?
Maybe even Sweetheart..
I'll be busy working again! Boring. But I'm only one step away from my Burberry bag!
&Heard from Jackson there's a 50% off of Burberry!? OMG!
Goooodnighttttt peeeps! Shall call up Sony Ericsson tomorrow to get my phone back!
This few days it's been raining.
Just love to stare at the window and see the raindrops.
Especially, when it rain during the night..
Just love to stare at the window and see the raindrops.
Especially, when it rain during the night..
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Hey readers, do you've any good deals for masks spree or instock to recommend me?
Do comment me (: Thanks! ( I'm about to use finish mine )
&I'm taking my Private O level Oral this coming Thursday ( 27 Aug '09 ).
Any comments on what and how should I dress up?
Do comment me too, Thanksss!
Do comment me (: Thanks! ( I'm about to use finish mine )
&I'm taking my Private O level Oral this coming Thursday ( 27 Aug '09 ).
Any comments on what and how should I dress up?
Do comment me too, Thanksss!
Do anyone out there know how I feel?
I feel like shit to all my 3 best friends.
Everyone's hiding things from me &yet they are lying to me too.
One say, think of a reason why they don't wish to tell me.
What shit is this? What are friends for? Hiding things? Lying things?
The reason I could think of is, don't want me to get angry?
Or what, don't wish I get worried about you guys?
Which friend won't get worried or angry? If they don't, they aren't friend.
What am I to you guys? Need me &I'll be there? I need you guys? Who the shit is there for me?
Contact me only when it is necessary? That reason is just a bullshit.
Another one? Saying she's speechless? I asked you many times, yet you say did nothing.
In the end? I found out. Hey people, I sometimes may be stupid. But doesn't mean I do not know anything.
I didn't say out doesn't mean so. You guys don't understand me.
But sometimes, I really do not know anything at all.
Who likes to be lied to by their close friends? I don't think anyone out there likes to be lied to either.
If I stand in everyone's shoe, who will stand in mine?
You guys always think your own way, thinking I'll this and that..
But, eventually I'll not be if you guys tell me the truth.
Imagine, I lie to you, how will you guys feel?
Maybe you guys will feel the opposite way of how I feel? I don't know?
This, I've nothing to say anymore.
This is only one part of what I wanna say. I don't wish to say anymore.
If you guys wanna lie, don't let me find out.
Or maybe, this time I really wash my hands off you guys.
I always close one eye and forgive everyone, every time.
But, you guys take thing for granted.
Perhaps, I'm too softhearted.
Feel dumb, feel like crying. But who is there?
Maybe they don't even treat me as their best friend at all.
This is all bullshit.
&Sorry, you guys could chose not to tell me either.
I know some of you are feeling down too, &thinking I'm adding on to your troubles.
If that's so, I'm sorry about that. I'm also having troubles.
Take care &don't think too much. I'll still be here for everyone.
I can be alone..
Labels : Hurting. Real hurt.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
It's Sunday! &I'm rotting at home -.- AGAIN.
Today jogging with sister was cancel due to the weather.
Oh my, I've to kill 3kg or more of fatssss!
Bless me!!
Yes, as someone say ' Friends come and go '.
But only a few of my friends I do not wish this to happen.
You should know who I'm talking about.
Even though you've new friends or more friends. You shouldn't forget me.
Maybe you didn't, but think of our past &now.
It's different, not only to me.
Today jogging with sister was cancel due to the weather.
Oh my, I've to kill 3kg or more of fatssss!
Bless me!!
Yes, as someone say ' Friends come and go '.
But only a few of my friends I do not wish this to happen.
You should know who I'm talking about.
Even though you've new friends or more friends. You shouldn't forget me.
Maybe you didn't, but think of our past &now.
It's different, not only to me.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
B surprise me with a Fred Perry paper bag!
&Inside it, he bought the top I wanna! So sweet!
During working hour, he train down to town just to buy it for me! :D
Yes, what my sister say is right. The price is not worth for that top.
The top, is just a long sleeve V neck top. PLAIN.
It cost B $179! Thanks ( L )
It does surprise & make me happy but I just do not know how to express it.
Head down to Yishun today, as usual. As it's Thursday!
So, head down to Yishun with my Cousin Wanee then meet Cousin Shun.
Had dinner together at Manhattan!
As usual, Framing prawnssss!
Thanks Cousin Shun for the treat! :D
After that head back and do some revision.
After that, to woodland.
Head back home, went I was at TPE.
There was a heavy traffic jam! I was wondering why will there be a Jam?
It's 12am! Such a time, does it have? &TPE hardly jam! I've stay here for 10years, but never see it jam before!
Weird. Then, I saw the accident.
Around 4 cars were crush. &One of the car exploded.
Wow, gonna check out the news paper tomorrow.
Home &found my dog crazy -.-
Biting a bone with a shape of shoe &with shoe laces on!
She tried to bite off the shoe laces! Like so smart la!
See see! &Now, the shoe is torn apart..
Alright, got to go watch my drama. Gonna call Panasonic tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Head down to town today to get my phone done. Stupid phone! Not even a year &it dies.
Monday had to go down to town again to collect my phone. Super lazy man!
Should have go down to J8 to repair it instead of town. Zzz.
After that, walk around. Saw a Polo Ralph top! So loving it! But only comes in guys cutting ):
Really want it, gonna start my nonsense again.
I want that top, I want that top, I want that top.
I want that top, I want that top, I want that top.
I want that top, I want that top, I want that top!
I want that top, I want that top, I want that top.
I want that top, I want that top, I want that top!
Want a hoodie at GAP too.
Want a top at Fred Perry too!
Want a top at Fred Perry too!
After that, head down to Cine to have our dinner at Suki Sushi.
Then catch the movie ' Where got ghost? '
Like finally I get to watch it.

Rating : 3.5/5
Quite funny, alright alright movie. :/
Only 2 parts freak me up. Damn it.
Quickly rush back home at 11.59pm!
Do not want to get home at 12midnight!
As, the Chinese 7th month has started at 12Am on the 20th of Aug ):
I've phobia with ghostsssss. Ah! Serious, I'm scared! This, I'm timid! I admit it!
Guess I've nothing more to say, got to go watch my drama! BYeee!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Recently, went to catch the movie ' UP '.
Isn't that nice as I excepted. ):

Went China Town with Sister &Cousin.
After that, Mummy came. Went to OG &People's park to walk.

After that, head back home.
I rot at home till 8 plus while the rest head out for dinner.
Head down to Darl's house for Steamboat!
So happy that the 2nd group could arrive (: Really happy.

More pictures to upload, waiting for Darl to send me.
Thanks for the night peeps, real happy to see you (:
Hope there will be another time soon.
50 times -.-
&I spend my Saturday sleeping to whole day, as I slept at close to 8am -.-

Isn't that nice as I excepted. ):

Rating : 3/5?
14th Aug '09 ( Friday )
Went China Town with Sister &Cousin.
After that, Mummy came. Went to OG &People's park to walk.
After that, head back home.
I rot at home till 8 plus while the rest head out for dinner.
Head down to Darl's house for Steamboat!
So happy that the 2nd group could arrive (: Really happy.

More pictures to upload, waiting for Darl to send me.
Thanks for the night peeps, real happy to see you (:
Hope there will be another time soon.
50 times -.-
&I spend my Saturday sleeping to whole day, as I slept at close to 8am -.-
Where's my Happy meal?
It's diet time!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
QianHui's Birthday Celebration!
On 14th of Aug it will be my little cousin's birthday!
She'll be 8years old! But there's an advance birthday celebration for her at her condo hall?
&This party is request by her! She told her mummy she wanna to have a party &invite all her friends!
Haha, cute la. So today is her celebration ( 10 Aug '09 ) !
So woke up quite early today, around 1 pm I think. If I'm not wrong..
Then get ready &head down to Vivo with family. Purpose of going there is just to go to a shop &that's ' Toys - R - Us ' !
Walk around, thinking of a gift to give it to my cousin. But couldn't find anything that suits her.
So tried to call aunt, but she's piss off as we're late.
So, drop the idea of finding the gift. Found a lost child, wanna help out.
But stupid Sister &Mother keep asking us to leave -.-
Guilty to heart man! So upset! Head down to Jurong, as aunt stay over there.
Super far from my house, but it's alright.
&Finally we reach around 4pm! Was super hungry -.- ( Even though I've already eaten )

The buffet!!!! Let's dig in!! WOOHOO!

After some time, most of the people or should I say kids came.
So, plan some games for them to enjoy. Well, I'm just the camera girl for the day!
Even though last night spend some time finding games for them -.-
Credits don't goes to me!
This is the 1st game, I've no idea what they are doing.

Opening the prize!

Stupid sister!

This baby is cute! haha.

2nd game! Music start, you dance. Music stop, you stop. &Do not move, move = out!

&They played real good! Especially the girl in the blue dress!

This girl is called, Velery or so. Do not know how to spell it.
Well, guess what she's doing!?
She's trying to dance like Micheal Jackson!
It's so so funny, cause everyone was like walking around.
&Suddenly, a girl started dancing!

3rd game! The donuts game!
Cousin with Sister -.-

The donuts are hanged on a rope &you've to eat it with your mouth!
No using hand, only mouth.

Children's photos!

Eh, no, I'm not children.

4th/last game!

Putting a balloon on your waist &walk with your partner.

Now put it on your back.

Then, your leg.

&Lastly, it's head. But no picture for it!
It's cake cutting time!

Me & Jin Han!

The plates to put cake, pretty uh!

Lion -.- Drew by a kid!

I gave a unglam face cause he put a soft toy on my head -.-

She'll be 8years old! But there's an advance birthday celebration for her at her condo hall?
&This party is request by her! She told her mummy she wanna to have a party &invite all her friends!
Haha, cute la. So today is her celebration ( 10 Aug '09 ) !
So woke up quite early today, around 1 pm I think. If I'm not wrong..
Then get ready &head down to Vivo with family. Purpose of going there is just to go to a shop &that's ' Toys - R - Us ' !
Walk around, thinking of a gift to give it to my cousin. But couldn't find anything that suits her.
So tried to call aunt, but she's piss off as we're late.
So, drop the idea of finding the gift. Found a lost child, wanna help out.
But stupid Sister &Mother keep asking us to leave -.-
Guilty to heart man! So upset! Head down to Jurong, as aunt stay over there.
Super far from my house, but it's alright.
&Finally we reach around 4pm! Was super hungry -.- ( Even though I've already eaten )
The buffet!!!! Let's dig in!! WOOHOO!
After some time, most of the people or should I say kids came.
So, plan some games for them to enjoy. Well, I'm just the camera girl for the day!
Even though last night spend some time finding games for them -.-
Credits don't goes to me!
This is the 1st game, I've no idea what they are doing.
Opening the prize!
Stupid sister!
This baby is cute! haha.
2nd game! Music start, you dance. Music stop, you stop. &Do not move, move = out!
&They played real good! Especially the girl in the blue dress!
This girl is called, Velery or so. Do not know how to spell it.
Well, guess what she's doing!?
She's trying to dance like Micheal Jackson!
It's so so funny, cause everyone was like walking around.
&Suddenly, a girl started dancing!
Cousin with Sister -.-
The donuts are hanged on a rope &you've to eat it with your mouth!
No using hand, only mouth.
Children's photos!
Eh, no, I'm not children.
4th/last game!
Putting a balloon on your waist &walk with your partner.
Now put it on your back.
Then, your leg.
&Lastly, it's head. But no picture for it!
It's cake cutting time!
Me & Jin Han!
The plates to put cake, pretty uh!
Lion -.- Drew by a kid!
I gave a unglam face cause he put a soft toy on my head -.-
Alright! That's all for my Monday!
Got to go peeps!
A last picture for you guys!
Got to go peeps!
A last picture for you guys!
Cheer up JieJie!
P.s. I've got a deep cut on my leg ):
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