Phew, felt so clean &relax after a warm bathe.
After all those sweat, spider's web &so on..
Shall explain this later, haha.
Anyway, one word to describe today -
AWESOME!Receive a text from
Dyson sales rep asking me to come for an interview at 2pm.
But I change it to 3pm.
Went down Yishun at 1 plus to meet Kelvin.
Suppose to be eating Yishun laksa with Sweetheart, Kelvin &Pauly but they are late!
So we both waited &waited for them. Finally they arrive, but the time is 2pm!
So I told them I've to leave for interview soon. So we discuss &discuss, by the time is 2.30pm!
So I know I'll be late for the interview, so Pauly fetch me over while the two of them happily taking their bus.
The agent is located at Redhill one of the building there.
So we travel around looking for it. Finally found it but the time is 3.15pm!
So I quickly rush up. Phew, lucky nothing happen.
Thanks Pauly! :DInterview was done at 4pm &I got the job! Starting on the 30th which is this coming Saturday &training is on the 28th this coming Thursday.
&Everyone was waiting for me with their empty stomach.
Haha, sorry bout that. So head down to Queens way shopping center to had our lunch.
It's like finally we can eat. Kel ate 2bowls of laksa! Lol.
After eating, went to walk around then head down to Ikea to do some searching for Pauly's bunk cupboard stuff.
&End up, we went to take many many pictures! Funny &fun! Haha!
Shall explain the pictures later, after Ikea walk back to Queens way then discuss where to go &chill.
Finally, Pauly came to an idea to go Yishun Jetty.
So Kel &I bus-ed down. I do not know where to drop. So I drop right after SLE bus stop!
Then, we both waited for them to arrive. But guess what? I saw them ride pass us.
So I shouted to them, but I think it can't be heard.
So we waited for their call, &Sweetheart called and ask where am I.
I told her, I was at the bus stop right after SLE.
She told me wrong, is at the traffic light there.
So I was like
' HUH, WTF? SO FAR!!? 'So, Kel &I started to walk there. &Ofcourse he started to blame me too.
Now is my turn to blame him back. Who ask you sleep on bus, if you never sleep we won't drop here.
Lol. So we walk all the way up to the traffic light. Listening music, singing together.
It's so fun! It's like, the place is only full with vechicles ¬ even a soul is taking that route so we sing at the top of our voice!
We sing &sing &sing like no one business! We walk &Sing. But Sweetheart keep calling and disturb us.
She asked where are we &I told her we haven't even walk pass the sign that say
' Welcome to Yishun ' !So you can imaging how
far we walk
( for those who know Yishun well ) So we walk &walk, sing &sing.
Pass by many spiders web! But I did not get any, as I know this kind of place sure have spiders webssss.
But I did not tell Kel, so I always let him walk infront of me by a little bit. &He got all the spiders web all by himself!
I'm so kind (: Lol, I hate spiders &I'm scared of it too!
&Finally, we went up to the traffic lights bus stop.
She called again, I told her where were we. She say we walk
too far, suppose to turn left
( towards yishun ) at the juntion!
So I was like cursing & swearing her -.- Lol
Then we walk back down, almost going to turn left which is our right
( as we came from another side ) &I thought to myself and say it out.
How can it be left? Left side do not have anything. I think we should go left ( our left ) .
&Kel was like, really anot? We keep walking here &there. Don't give wrong information leis.
I replied him, left also nothing. Left side at least got place to sit, might be there ma.
If wrong then we go home lo. So we turn right which is our left.
( Kinda confuse, I know )So Sweetheart gave the wrong information, she should say turn right if you're going toward yishun &turn left if you're going toward express way.
SHE'S DUMB, I admit it.
&Finally we found them!
( I was smart to find them, cause we're tele :D )We were like sweating like hell! Damn dirty! Oh gosh!
So we chill there till 9.30pm &we went off.
Due to me they have to go off early. I'm so sorry about that.
The 4 of us shall meet up again, even though we 4 are besties but this is the first time 4 of us went out together!
It's been so long since I last met Pauly &Kel, misses them much (:
Alright pictures time!

This 4picture is Pauly ask me to do it. It's like we all wanna to have a 1room flat.
So I took this picture, same room but we're doing different things.
Kel was watching tv, sweetheart is reading book, I'm setting the alarm clock and Pauly is drinking &using lappy.
We discuss &plan that the 4 of us should buy 2 one room flat. &We stay together, cool right? Haha.

This picture is the 4 of us are in the bath room, doing our things &someone spotted us.
Look at Pauly's face, seems super shock! haha.
Stupid Kel, should'nt have twist -.-

Couple look? HAHA, I'll get kill for this.

Kel, get your hands off me! LOL.

1 girl with 2 guy, how wonderful?

What? Boyfriend doing shopping &girlfriend is wondering how long more will it takes?

Kel, stop looking at me. Am I that pretty that you can't take your eyes off me?
I think so too. HAHA!
Kel must be wondering
' Sylvia, I don't wanna take this picture. But I'm force by you. That's why I smile so fake. ' HAHA!!!
Alright, that's all. Bye peeps! Sleep early (: Hope you enjoy your day too!